Domain: [Expired]

Host / Server Details:

IP Address:
IP Block: -
Reverse DNS:
Host: Unified Layer
Location: Provo, UT, US
Time Zone: America/Denver
Current Time: 2:01 PM on Apr. 25, 2024
Page Load Time: 0.486 secs.
Server Type: Apache

Domain / WHOIS Details:

Date Registered: April 1, 2002
Date Updated: March 30, 2022
Date Expires: April 1, 2023
Registration Length: 21 Years
WHOIS Registrar: easyDNS Technologies Inc.
WHOIS Server:
Domain Status: Expired
DNS Nameservers:

Site Details:

Title: Professional Video Backgrounds, Lower Thirds, Animated Elements and more. Don't just edit. Design. ™
Description: SD,HD and HDV Looping Video Backgrounds, Animated Elements, Animated Lower Thirds, Worship Backgrounds, and other high quality Motion Graphics.
Category: Business > Business Services > AudioVisual > Content > Stock Footage
Keywords: video backgrounds, animated lower thirds, motion graphics, looping backgrounds, scripture background, HD video background, HDV graphics, worship backgrounds, animation for video, moving backgrounds,video background download, HDV video backgrounds, HD video backgrounds, lower thirds, lower third, video background,3d animated, 3d animated background, 3d animated backgrounds, 3d animated video background, 3d animated video backgrounds, 3d background, 3d video background, 3d video backgrounds, 3d video clip, 3d video clips, animate background, animated backdrops, animated background, animated background images, animated video, motion images, livefonts, livefont, royalty free video backgrounds, stock, stock footage clips, stock footage video clips, stock video, video, video clip, video clips, video stock footage, animated video background, animated video backgrounds, animation backgrounds, animations and backgrounds, animations backgrounds, background animation, background animations, download animated video background, download animated video backgrounds, download video background, download video backgrounds, dv stock footage, 12 Inch Design, LiveType, HD stock footage, looped video backgrounds, motion backgrounds
Plot IP Analysis: The domain is hosted from IP address, having reverse-lookup and inward-pointing nameservers , and . Our records show that other domains are hosted from this IP, such as,, and, among others. The server hosting is located in a data center in Provo, UT, United States of America.