Domain: [Expired]

Host / Server Details:

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Host: Priority Colo Inc
Location: Toronto, Ontario, CA
Time Zone: America/Halifax
Current Time: 2:03 AM on Oct. 11, 2024
Page Load Time: 0.473 secs.
Server Type: Apache/2.2.16

Domain / WHOIS Details:

Date Registered: January 6, 2002
Date Updated: December 4, 2021
Date Expires: January 6, 2023
Registration Length: 21 Years
WHOIS Registrar: Tucows Domains Inc.
WHOIS Server:
Domain Status: Expired
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Site Details:

Title: Treating Drug Addiction – What To Do If You Learn You Have An "Addict in the Family"
Description: Addresses a widespread problem and provides answers to questions about heroin and heroin addiction. Website for the book by Dr. Andrew Byrne.
Category: Health > Addictions > Substance Abuse > Resources
Keywords: Treating drug addiction, addict in the family, drug addict, drug addiction, addiction to drugs, heroin addiction, methadone treatment, opiate addiction, opiate dependence, painkiller addiction, painkiller dependence, dependence versus addiction, treatment, treatment options, Common Sense for Drug Policy, drug war, drug policy, oxycontin, oxycontin hysteria, oxy, oxy hysteria, oxycontin information, drug control policy, drug control policy news, drug control, drug control policy, national drug control policy, international drug control policy, drug war facts, drug policy, drug war, illicit drugs, drug use, illegal drug use, illegal drug addiction, drug abuse, drug policy, drug abuse policy, Common Sense for Drug Policy, Kevin Zeese, Kevin B Zeese, Robert Field, Mike Gray, Melvin Allen, Doug McVay, Oxycontin, Oxy, OxyContin, Oxy Con Job, ONDCP, drug control policy, antidrug media campaign, ONDCP ad campaign, national federation of parents for a drug free youth, ONDCP media campaign, just say no, this is your brain on drugs, drug addiction, drug use, Addict In The Family, drug, drugs, drug war, drug war, war on drugs, harm reduction, reform, needle exchange, media, medical, pharmaceutical, decriminalization, legalization, prohibition, drug abuse, politics, law, crime, methadone, adolescent, pre-natal, pregnancy, heroin maintenance, black market, HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis, Hepatitis-C, DEA, Drug Enforcement Agency, Australia, methadone clinics, oxycontin, methadone, buprenorphine, opiates, opiate addiction, addict in the family, oxy, oxycontin addiction, methadone treatment, opiate treatment, Controlled Substances Act
Plot IP Analysis: The domain is hosted from IP address, having reverse-lookup and inward-pointing nameservers , and . Our records show that other domains are hosted from this IP, such as,, and, among others. The server hosting is located in a data center in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.