IP Address: | |
IP Block: | - |
Reverse DNS: | hostedc38.carrierzone.com |
Host: | InternetNamesforBusiness.com |
Location: | Davis, CA, US |
Time Zone: | America/Los Angeles |
Current Time: | 7:27 PM on Feb. 7, 2025 |
Page Load Time: | 0.258 secs. |
Server Type: | Apache |
Date Registered: | August 20, 2006 |
Date Updated: | August 20, 2006 |
Date Expires: | August 20, 2012 |
Registration Length: | 6 Years |
WHOIS Registrar: | Melbourne IT, Ltd (R52-LROR) |
WHOIS Server: | whois.publicinterestregistry.net |
Domain Status: | Expired |
DNS Nameservers: | dns3.earthlink.net dns2.earthlink.net ns3.earthlink.net ns2.earthlink.net |
Title: | Early Birds of Southern California |
Description: | The Early Birds of Southern California is a car club for 1955-57 Thunderbird enthusiasts interested in preserving and restoring the classic T-Birds. |
Category: | Recreation > Autos > Makes and Models > Ford > Thunderbird > Clubs |
Keywords: | Thunderbird, T-Bird, Tbird, early birds, little birds, car club, 1955, 1956,1957, Southern California, CTCI, Ford, Orange County, earlybirds, Pageant, Region 6 |
Plot IP Analysis: | The domain earlybirdsofsocal.org is hosted from IP address, having reverse-lookup hostedc38.carrierzone.com and inward-pointing nameservers dns3.earthlink.net, dns2.earthlink.net, , ns3.earthlink.net, and ns2.earthlink.net. Our records show that other domains are hosted from this IP, such as kerncomm.com, kerncommunications.com, and kingwoodareaquiltguild.com, among others. The server hosting earlybirdsofsocal.org is located in a data center in Davis, CA, United States of America. |