
Host / Server Details:

IP Address:
IP Block: -
Reverse DNS:
Host: Hetzner Online GmbH
Location: Gunzenhausen, Bayern, DE
Time Zone: Europe/Berlin
Current Time: 1:00 PM on Apr. 25, 2024
Page Load Time: 3.125 secs.
Server Type: Microsoft-IIS/6.0

Domain / WHOIS Details:

Date Registered: Unavailable
Date Updated: Unavailable
Date Expires: Unavailable
Registration Length: (Unavailable)
WHOIS Registrar: Unavailable
WHOIS Server: Unavailable
Domain Status: Unavailable
DNS Nameservers:

Site Details:

Title: Sanga Wellness - Home
Description: Sanga Wellness - Where wellness is a way of life. We offer comprehensive online corporate wellness solutions., Our Wellness Services are unique and customise according to the client's needs. These services are part of our Wellness Model., Sanga Wellness delivers Wellness into the hearts and minds of people through state of the art wellness assessments, education, training and interventions.
Category: Business > Business Services > Communications > Public Speaking > Health and Wellness
Keywords: Sanga Wellness, worksite wellness, stress, reduce healt cost, wellness assessments, South Africa, corporate wellness, laughter yoga, wellness coaching, meditation, Martin Combrinck, wellness provider, stress management, coaching, weight reduction, wellness programs, inventory, meditation, stress reduction, worksite wellness, behavioural changes, EFT, health promotion, wellness program, corporate wellness program, health wellness program, employee wellness program, corporate wellness, health and wellness in the workplace, workplace wellness, employee health and wellness program, employee wellness, wellness coach, corporate health and wellness, workplace wellness program, wellness resource, wellness companies, wellness consultant, corporate health promotion, HRA, wellness tools, free wellness, corporate wellness, employee wellness, wellness program, free employee wellness, employee wellness, employee fitness, virtual corporate wellness programs, workplace wellness lectures, corporate health promotion, workplace wellness presentation, Return On Investment., health promotion, wellness program, corporate wellness program, health wellness program, employee wellness program, corporate wellness, health and wellness in the workplace, workplace wellness, employee health and wellness program, employee wellness, wellness coach, corporate health and wellness, workplace wellness program, wellness resource, wellness companies, wellness consultant, corporate health promotion, HRA, wellness tools, free wellness, corporate wellness, employee wellness, wellness program, free employee wellness, employee wellness, employee fitness, virtual corporate wellness programs, workplace wellness lectures, corporate health promotion, workplace wellness presentation, laughter yoga, stress management, relaxation, meditation, Return On Investment, wellness tools
Plot IP Analysis: The domain is hosted from IP address, having reverse-lookup and inward-pointing nameservers , and . Our records show that other domains are hosted from this IP, such as,, and The server hosting is located in a data center in Gunzenhausen, Bayern, Germany.

Domain Names Hosted on IP (3)