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Location: Roosendaal, Noord-Brabant, NL
Time Zone: Europe/Amsterdam
Current Time: 3:51 AM on Apr. 30, 2024
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Date Registered: Unavailable
Date Updated: Unavailable
Date Expires: Unavailable
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Site Details:

Title: Happy Oldies "Radio Monique 963 Gold"®. Back to the memories of your Mind.Golden Hits from the 60-70-80
Description: (EU) Happy Radio Monique 963 Gold. The station with a legendary audiostream with the Golden Hits from the 60-70-80 Radio Monique was een zeezender uit de tweede helft van de jaren '80 van de 20e eeuw. Het station zou oorspronkelijk beginnen in september 1981 vanaf het schip waarvan Radio Paradijs uitzond; dit schip werd echter al na drie dagen door de Nederlandse politie opgebracht. Ben Bode en Fred Bolland huurden in 1984 zendtijd van Radio Caroline en begonnen op 15 december met radio uitzendingen vanaf het schip de Ross Revenge. Radio Monique zond uit op een frequentie van 963 Khz.
Category: Unavailable
Keywords: RadioMonique963 nl, Radio Monique 963 ,Monique 963, Radio Monique, radio 963, Radio Monique NL, radio monique international. Radio Monique UK, Radio Monique DE, 819, 312, 319,Radio zendschepen, veronica, caroline,Radio Caroline 319, Radio Caroline Gold, Radio Vessel, radioschepen, piratenzenders, offshore radio, Ross, DJ, Ross Revenge, MiAmigo, Mi Amigo, Mebo 2, Radio Noordzee, Radio Northsea, Radio 220, RNI Norderney, Atlantis, communicator, Laser, zendschip, radio819, radio558, Noordzee internationaal, big L, Radio London, offshore forts, radio dolfijn, dolfijn radio,399, 355, 227, 259, 192, 558, radio vanaf de noordzee, dj's vanaf de noordzee, radiomonique963. offshore radio, offshore radio stations, offshore pirate radio stations, offshore wireless stations, offshore forts, Seesender, Piratensender, zeezenders, watery wireless websites, watery wireless stations, free radio, Radio Caroline, pirate ships, radio ships, pirate radio, sea forts, Israeli Offshore Radio, Laser 558, Laser Hot Hits 576, Radio London, Johnny Walker, Tony Blackburn, Joost den Daaijer, Wonderful Big L, Radio Nordsee International, RNI, Radio North Sea International, Radio Noordzee Internationaal, Radio Veronica, Radio Seagull, Radio Mi Amigo International, Mebo 2, MV Ross Revenge, MV Galaxy, Laissez Faire, MV Communicator, Norderney, MV Mi Amigo, MV Fredericia, Oceaan VII, Red Sands Fort, Shivering Sands Fort, Roughs Tower, MV Comet, MV Jeanine, MV Sarah, Screaming Lord Sutch, Sealand, Radio Atlantis, Radio 270, Radio 390, Swinging Radio England, Britain Radio, Radio Hauraki, Radio Syd, DCR, Radio Mercur, Voice of Peace, Arutz Sheva, Arutz-7, Arutz 7, Radio Delmare, Radio Brod, Droit de Parole, Radio 558, Radio 819, Viewpoint 963, Radio Sutch, Radio City, Radio 199, Radio Monique International, Arutz 2000, Radio Hof, Galei Hayam Hatichon, Radio Dan, Odelia TV, Radio 227, Radio 355, Radio Antwerpen, Uilenspiegel, OFFSHORE 98, Radio Atlanta, BBMS, Capital Radio, Radio Dolfijn, CNBC, Radio Essex, REM-eiland, Radio Nord, Radio Invicta, Radio Paradijs, Radio Scotland, Radio NewYork International, World Mission Radio, disk-jockeys, deejays
Plot IP Analysis: The domain is hosted from IP address, having reverse-lookup and inward-pointing nameservers, and Our records show that other domains are hosted from this IP, such as,, and, among others. The server hosting is located in a data center in Roosendaal, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.